

Using one hand to support himself he pressed the other to his left side, the wound there pulsing in pain. A rare moment indeed, but heavens knew he needed it.


He could see no one else in the training room, and allowed himself this small moment to show weakness. He took deep breaths trying to get it under control, there was nothing in his stomach to come out anyway. Tears sprung to his eyes as his bruised and injured abdomen spasmed. He tried to stand but fell over again almost immediately, retching as the room spun around him. “En- end training sequence!” He gasped and the robot powered down. He wasn’t going to be able to finish this, he gasped for breath trying to find his voice before the gladiator reached him. His head smacked the ground vision flashing white. Keith felt more than one of his numerous wouldns pop open and warm blood ran down the inside of his suit. Its fist speared into his gut sending Keith sprawling. Keith’s vision blurred and the room seemed to spin around him, not a good thing when you're facing off against a robot whose goal is to hurt you.
