Space Marine: We cannot allow the enemy to claim our relics.Space Marine: Join them, Brother Apothecary.Apothecary: The geneseed must be preserved.Captain Thule: (lying on the ground dying) No.we cannot fail.Captain Thule: They have come for our blood but they will Drown in their own!.Captain Thule: The Emperor is with us.Each one of us must fall before handing this world to the enemy. We have all sworn to protect fonts of hidden knowledge. Captain Thule: Remember that we are Blood Ravens.Let their valour guide your fire into the enemy's heart! Captain Thule: Veterans of the First Company the finest of our entire chapter stand with us.Each of you must be an army in your own right! Captain Thule: (A Thunderhawk gunship lands to reinforce the Space Marines) More of our brothers will come to join the fight but as ever our enemy outnumbers us.Captain Thule: (An attacking squad is hit by orbital bombardment) Our battle barge orbits overhead and will rain the Emperor's holy fury upon our opponents.Captain Thule: I say that we will not! I say our enemies will regret the day they ever decided to face us in battle!.Captain Thule: Are we to let a black mark stain the banner of the Blood Ravens?.Are we to retreat with our duty unfufiled? Captain Thule: The chief Librarian has ordered the purge of this world to protect our chapters secrets.Captain Thule: But what he fails to see is that we will make this his last meal.Captain Thule: The enemy is at our doorstep and thinks he can push us off this world.Dark Crusade Quotes Against Space Marines